Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Pocket Aces Select Program?
The Pocket Aces Select Program is essentially an early formed All-Star team that will participate in the USA Softball Select Program through the Spring and Summer seasons. Teams will be formed from players eligible to play in the Pocket Girls Softball recreational league.
What age divisions are eligible for Aces Select?
10u, 12u, 14u
Can I just sign-up my player for Aces Select?
No, players must tryout and be selected to a team.
What happens if my player doesn't make the team?
Players who don't make the Aces Select team can still sign-up and participate in the spring recreational season. They then will have the opportunity to tryout for All-Stars in May. The All-Star teams will join the Select teams in competing in tournaments in the summer.
What is the registration cost to participate in Aces Select?
Registration costs for our Select Program typically range from $750 to $900. These fees can be paid all at once or in three installments. Entry fees include 8 tournaments, uniforms, league associated expenses, discretionary team funds and equipment.
What is Nationals? Should be plan on attending?
Western Nationals is a week long tournament designed to compete against the best All-Star and Select teams from all over the Western United States. These special events are designed to combine team bonding and team competition. Tournaments normally include costume contests, pin trading, skills contests and more.
Can high school players participate in Aces Select?
Prospective high school players can tryout for the Aces program but will have to choose whether to play on Select team or their High School team per CIF rules. If they choose high school, there may be other options for them come in May when high school is over. More information to come.
How many Pocket Aces Select teams per division?
Each division will have ONE Aces Select team. IF the tryouts warrant it, the evaluators can suggest the formation of a second team to the Board of Directors.
Do players play in the Spring Rec Season AND Aces Select?
Pocket Girls Softball allows the individual Select teams to decide whether or not they will have their players also participate in the rec spring season. Participation in both rec and select is strongly encouraged.